Theorists Classwork 30/10/17 (MH)


A Person concerned with the theoretical aspects of a subject.

Media Language

- Semiotics (Roland Barthes) 
Roland Barthes created the theory that texts communicate through a process of signification using visual representation to give off a deeper meaning and to give a stereotypical representation of that meaning and what other things we represent with that visual. For instance, if we look back to general Water Charity Adverts, one sign is the representation of Dirty Water which can also be linked with Poverty, Death and Sickness. Other examples can be Movie Posters with Clowns which can represent Happy times or if the Movie is anything like 'IT' it can signify Horror.

- Narratology (Tzvetean Todorov)
The theory of Narratology by Tzevetean is about the stereotypical 3 Part Structure all Narratives use, starting with a movement between 2 equilibrium's until disrupted by a period of imbalance or disequilibrium; We have seen this used in the Water Charity Adverts when we see the children suffering and drinking dirty water, and then the imbalance of people donating giving them the opportunity to get clean water and not contract illnesses anymore. 

- Genre Theory (Steve Neale)
Steve Neale thought of the Genre Theory which considered all genres repeated themselves and the only thing that separated them from each other was the difference between each genre. Also there are specific genres currently which target economic, institutional and industrial contexts. 

- Structuralism (Claude Levi-Strauss)
Levi-Strauss understood Structuralism which meant that all texts could be understood by evaluating them and looking at the deeper meaning they could have, which is also dependent on a pair of binary oppositions.

- Post Modernism (Jean Baudrillard)
Jean created summarized the idea of Post Modernism to show the boundaries between the 'real' world and the world of the media have collapsed meaning that we cannot depict which is real and which is fake. We are immersed in the images of the media world. 
